Run Couchbase Server on Linode: Part 2

Now we install Couchbase Server 5.0 on the Linode created in Part 1 of this series. The server software is installed using a Debian release package. After that a Couchbase cluster is initialized using the Admin Console.

We're on step 5 of these steps
  1. Create a Linode
  2. Deploy an Image
  3. Boot and Connect to the Linode
  4. Configure the Operating System
  5. Install Couchbase Server
  6. Verify the Installation
Part 1 covered steps 1 through 4, how to prepare your Linode for Couchbase. Part 3 will show how to verify the installation.

Install Couchbase Server

With Ubuntu we can use a Debian package to install Couchbase Server.  See this article for apt and yum-based installations.

Download Release Package

From the remote Linode, download the Debian release package for Couchbase.

> curl -O

Install the Package

> sudo dpkg -i couchbase-release-1.0-4-amd64.deb

Confirm that the package is installed.

> sudo apt-cache search couchbase

Update Packages

Update the apt packages to pull in the Couchbase Server packages.

> sudo apt-get update

Confirm that the Couchbase Server packages were added.

> sudo apt-cache search couchbase

You should see couchbase-server and couchbase-server-community in the search results.

Install Couchbase Server

Now we can install the server.

> sudo apt-get install couchbase-server

When prompted, enter Y to continue the installation.

Note that the installer warns us that there is an insufficient amount of RAM and there are too few cores -- 2 instead of 4.  That's okay as we're just experimenting.

Initialize the Cluster

Open the Couchbase Server Admin Console.  Get the hostname or IP address of your Linode and browser the console:

Click on Setup New Cluster and complete the New Cluster form.
  • Cluster Name: linode-cb1
  • Admin Username: cbadmin

Press Next: Accept Terms and follow the instructions to accept the Terms and Conditions.

Press Configure Disk, Memory, Services

On the next screen we will set the hostname, disk paths, services and memory quotas, index storage setting and update notifications.

For the hostname, use the one you're using to access the server node, eg., The hostname is used to access the host from outside linode, so you can't use linode-cb1 unless configured your Linode with a registered top level domain.

For disk paths, set them as follows:
  • Data Disk Path: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data
  • Indexes Disk Path: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/index
For more on file locations see the documentation.

Adjust the memory quota allocations:
  • Data Service: 1024
  • Index Service: 512
  • Search Service: 316
Set the Index Storage Setting to Standard Global Secondary.

Finally, check Enable software update notifications in the web console.

Press Save & Finish and you'll be taken to the dashboard.

More Tips


dpkg will not work if the preinstall step determines the Ubuntu distribution is unsupported. To confirm this, extract the package

> dpkg-deb -e ./couchbase-release-1.0-2-amd64.deb deb-out2

Then check the preinstall script.

Alternate Download Options

If you don't want to use the apt repository, you can download the server from this webpage: Downloads. Pick the version, the target OS (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04) and then press Download. You'll have to move the file to your Linode.

Or use curl

> curl -O


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